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Flaxseeds- Health Benefits

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Health Benefits of Flaxseeds

Flax seeds ---Yes the greatest of all seeds that does wonders when taken in. You might be wondering how small seeds can make a big difference, but YES these are small seeds with great potential to supplement us in a multitude way. Hope you might be very much familiar with these flax-seeds. Traditionally flax seeds were being used in cuisines in Asia, Africa and America because of great source of nutritional and health benefits these seeds possess. These seeds are rich source of alpha linolenic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, and lignans. The presence of these components collectively fight many ailments and diseases in humans, including Heart diseases, Inflammation, arthritis, allergies, diabetes, asthma, Flaxseed also reduces the risk of various Cancers and improves reproductive health in women. As flax seeds are a good source of fiber and vitamins, the consumption of these seeds will keep heart, intestine, eyes, skin, and hair.

Trust me those who read this article will definitely start eating flax seeds.(for more tips on health click Healthy tips

Lets us look at each aspect of health benefit that is brought by consuming Flax seeds, here we go…….

Excellent Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Flaxseeds Heart Health
Flaxseed is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, second only to fish oil. Omega-3 fatty acid is the most active agent that fights inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a leading cause of heart diseases, asthma, allergies, diabetes, and even certain cancers.

Presence of Phytochemicals

The presence of abundant phytochemicals in flaxseed brings in the antioxidant activity in the seeds, which are the main agents in preventing and fighting against cancer. Also, flaxseed is a rich source of lignans, which convert into chemicals that balance female hormones in the body. There is evidence that lignans aid reproductive health, prevent menopausal symptoms, and counter the effects of type-2 diabetes.

Rich in Fiber

Flaxseeds are rich sources of fiber, both soluble and insoluble types. While soluble fiber helps to maintain proper gastrointestinal functions, insoluble fiber plays a vital role in keeping the heart healthy by lowering serum LDL cholesterol levels. This property of flaxseed also helps in maintaining normal blood sugar levels for people suffering from diabetes.

Planning for a weight loss Diet then here’s a beneficial for Dieters

Flaxseed forms an essential part of many diet programmers, since it keeps blood sugar levels in check. Due to its richness in fiber, it keeps the stomach full and avoids the intake of surplus calories through overeating.

Decreases Pre-Menopausal Symptoms

One of flaxseed’s essential components is the presence of lignans which can be used as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy due to their estrogenic properties.

Prevents Osteoporosis and Cardiovascular Diseases

Due to its estrogenic properties, the lignans in flaxseed reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases in menopausal women.

Boosts Immunity

The alpha linolenic acid and the lignans which are present in the flaxseed boost the immune response in the body and prevent against inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and the autoimmune disorder like lupus (What is LUPUS?)

Aids Digestion

Being rich in fibre these seeds act as natural laxative

How to Use Flaxseed

Flaxseeds can easily be mixed with other foods since it hardly has a flavour and is very mild in taste. It is an excellent substitute for vegetable oils. The seeds can be eaten raw by mixing it with salads, cereals and yogurt. It can also be popped like popcorn. The seeds can be combined with fruit juices and smoothies without altering the taste of flavour of the fruits.
Here are some of the different ways in which flaxseeds can be used.

Boiled Flax Seeds

Boiling Flaxseeds in water
Flax seeds can be boiled with hot cereals and soups. However, very small quantities must be used for boiling since excessive use of seeds can produce a kind of slime and an unpleasant taste.

Grinding Flax Seeds

Grinding Flaxseeds
By consuming ground flax seed you can derive maximum health benefits from it. For grinding simply put the seeds in a blender or a coffee grinder. Mix the powdered seeds in any recipe of your choice in moderate quantity.

Raw Flax Seeds
Raw flax seeds give a soft crunch and nutty taste to foods. However when eaten raw it must be chewed thoroughly failing which it will get ejected from the body undigested. This essentially amounts to eating the seeds without deriving its nutritive benefits.
Flax seeds are indeed wonder seeds. However, it is not advisable to consume it in large quantities or by people suffering from allergies of any kind. You must always start eating a small quantity of the seeds to begin with. Half or a quarter teaspoon will suffice for experimenting initially.
You must watch out for a few days and look for signs of allergic reactions or other gastrointestinal problems which the seeds may cause after consumption.

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  1. Thanks for sharing an informative blog. It was very helpful. Read more at Flaxseed Oil Capsules


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