The World Health Organization’s
(WHO) definition of drug dependence is ‘a state, psychic and sometimes
physical, resulting from the interaction between a living organism and a drug
characterized by behavioural and other responses that always include a compulsion
to take the drug on a continuous or periodic basis in order to experience its
psychic effects and sometimes to avoid the discomfort of its absence’. More
recent definitions include the WHO’s ICD-10 and the American Psychiatric
Association’s DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for Substance-Related Disorders, which
emphasize the importance of loss of control over drug use and its consequences
in limiting other, non-drug-related activities, in addition to tolerance and
physical dependence. In the above definitions, a distinction is made between
physical and psychological dependence. Although psychological dependence has
not been shown to produce gross structural changes, it must be assumed that
changes have occurred in the brain at a molecular or receptor level. Central to
the definition of psychological dependence is the compulsion or craving to take
a drug repeatedly. In contrast, physical dependence occurs in the absence of a
drug, when a range of symptoms – a withdrawal state – is present. The ease and
degree to which withdrawal symptoms develop defines the liability of a
particular drug to produce physical dependence. As a generalization, the
withdrawal syndrome seen after cessation of a drug tends to be the opposite of
the symptoms produced by acute administration of that drug (e.g. anxiety,
insomnia and arousal seen after withdrawal of alcohol or benzodiazepines, or
depression and lethargy seen after withdrawal of stimulants). Physical and
psychological dependence may be distinguished clinically. For instance, abrupt
cessation of tricyclic antidepressants leads to sympathetic nervous system
activation, without psychological dependence, whereas nicotine withdrawal
produces predominantly psychological changes, with minimal physical symptoms.
The major difference between drug abuse and drug dependence is quantitative.
Tolerance, when repeated exposure
to a drug produces progressively diminished effects, is another important
concept. It may be caused by changes in the rate at which the drug is
distributed or metabolized in the body, or by adaptive processes occurring in
the brain. A distinct feature is cross tolerance, where tolerance to one type
of drug is associated with tolerance to other drugs. Cross-tolerance, which can
encompass chemically distinct drugs, has been clearly demonstrated for alcohol,
benzodiazepines and other sedative drugs. It forms the basis for substitution
treatment of dependency.
Most people who are exposed to
drugs do not become dependent on them. Factors that increase the likelihood of
addiction include: • Genetic factors: Genetic factors can predispose to
dependency, but can also protect against alcoholism (e.g. defective aldehyde
dehydrogenase genes – common in East Asians – produce unpleasant flushing/headache
after drinking alcohol). • Personality/environment: Drinking or drug-taking
behaviour is influenced by the example set by family or peer group, or by
cultural norms.
Drug availability and economic
factors: Rates of dependence are increased if a drug is easily available. This
may explain why dependence on nicotine and alcohol is a much greater public
health problem than dependence on illegal drugs, because of their greater
availability. Drug use is sensitive to price (e.g. rates of alcoholism are reduced
by increasing alcohol prices). • Biochemical reinforcement: Drugs of abuse and
dependence have a common biochemical pathway: they all increase dopamine in the
nucleus accumbens, associated with mood elevation and euphoria. Behaviourally,
this is linked with reinforcement of drug taking. Dependence-potential of
different drugs is related to potency in releasing dopamine (cocaine is most
potent). The rate of dopamine release is also important, e.g. smoked and
intravenous drugs give a more rapid effect than oral drugs.
By the time an addict presents
for assessment and treatment, he or she is likely to have diverse and major
problems. There may be physical or mental illness, and emotional or attitudinal
problems, which may have contributed to the addiction and/or resulted from it.
Their financial and living circumstances may have been adversely affected by
their drug habit and they may have legal problems relating to drug possession,
intoxication (e.g. drink–driving offences), or criminal activities carried out
to finance drug purchases. Attitudes to drug use may be unrealistic (e.g.
denial). The best chance of a successful outcome requires that all of these
factors are considered, and the use of a wide range of treatment options is
likely to be more successful than a narrow repertoire. Treatment objectives
vary depending on the drug. Complete abstinence is emphasized for nicotine,
alcohol or cocaine addiction, whereas for heroin addiction many patients
benefit from methadone maintenance. Other objectives are to improve the health
and social functioning of addicted patients. Treatment success can only be
determined over a long time, based on reduction in drug use and improvements in
health and social functioning. A treatment programme should include medical and
psychiatric assessment and psychological and social support. Addicts should be
referred to specialist services if these are available. Other services based in
the voluntary sector (e.g. Alcoholics Anonymous) are also valuable and
complementary resources. Medical and psychiatric assessment may need to be
repeated once the patient is abstinent, as it is often difficult to diagnose
accurately certain disorders in the presence of withdrawal symptoms (e.g.
anxiety, depression and hypertension are features of alcohol withdrawal, but
are also common in abstinent alcoholics).
Ethyl alcohol (alcohol) has few
clinical uses when given systemically, but is of great medical importance
because of its pathological and psychological effects when used as a beverage.
Alcohol is the most important drug of dependence, and in Western Europe and
North America the incidence of alcoholism is about 5% among the adult
Pharmacokinetics Ethyl alcohol is
absorbed from the buccal, oesophageal, gastric and intestinal mucosae –
approximately 80% is absorbed from the small intestine. Alcohol delays gastric
emptying and in high doses delays its own absorption. Following oral
administration, alcohol can usually be detected in the blood within five
minutes. Peak concentrations occur between 30 minutes and two hours. Fats and
carbohydrates delay absorption. Alcohol is distributed throughout the body
water. About 95% is metabolized (mainly in the liver) and the remainder is
excreted unchanged in the breath, urine and sweat. Hepatic oxidation to
acetaldehyde is catalysed by three parallel processes. The major pathway
(Figure 53.1) is rate limited by cytoplasmic alcohol dehydrogenase using
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) as coenzyme. Alcohol elimination
follows Michaelis–Menten kinetics, with saturation occurring in the
concentration range encountered during social drinking. A small additional
‘dose’ can thus have a disproportionate effect on the concentration of alcohol
in the plasma.
Effects of alcohol Nervous system: Alcohol decreases concentration,
judgement, discrimination, and reasoning and increases self-confidence.
Progressively increasing plasma concentrations are associated with sensations
of relaxation followed by mild euphoria, in coordination, ataxia and loss of
consciousness. At high blood concentrations, the gag reflex is impaired,
vomiting may occur and death may result from aspiration of gastric contents.
The importance of alcohol as a factor in road traffic accidents is well known
(see Figure 53.2). The central depressant actions of alcohol greatly enhance
the effects of other central depressant drugs. In patients with organic brain
damage, alcohol may induce unusual aggression and destructiveness, known as
pathological intoxication. Death may also result from direct respiratory
depression. Chronic neurological accompaniments of persistent alcohol abuse
include various forms of central and peripheral neuro degeneration, most
commonly involving the vermis of the cerebellum, and a peripheral neuropathy.
Nutritional deficiencies may contribute to the pathogensesis of
neurodegeneration. Wernicke’s encephalopathy (difficulty in concentrating,
confusion, coma, nystagmus and ophthalmoplegia) and Korsakov’s psychosis (gross
memory defects with confabulation and disorientation in space and time) are
mainly due to the nutritional deficiency of thiamine associated with
alcoholism. Any evidence of Wernicke’s encephalopathy should be immediately
treated with intravenous thiamine followed by oral thiamine for several months.
Psychiatric disorder is common and devastating, with social and family
Circulatory: Cutaneous vasodilatation causes the familiar
drunkard’s flush. Atrial fibrillation ( embolization) is important. Chronic
abuse is an important cause of cardiomyopathy. Withdrawal (see below) causes
acute hypertension and heavy intermittent alcohol consumption can cause
variable hypertension by this mechanism which can exacerbate or be mistaken for
essential hypertension Gastrointestinal: Gastritis, peptic ulceration,
haematemesis (including the Mallory–Weiss syndrome, which is haematemesis due
to oesophageal tearing during forceful vomiting, as well as from peptic ulcer
or varices). Liver pathology includes fatty infiltration, alcoholic hepatitis
and cirrhosis. Alcohol can cause pancreatitis (acute, subacute and chronic).
Metabolic: Alcohol suppresses ADH secretion and this is one of the
reasons why polyuria occurs following its ingestion. Reduced gluconeogenesis
leading to hypoglycaemia may cause fits. The accumulation of lactate and/or
keto acids produces metabolic acidosis. Hyperuricaemia occurs (particularly, it
is said, in beer drinkers) and can cause acute gout.
Haematological effects: Bone marrow suppression occurs. Folate deficiency
with macrocytosis is common and chronic GI blood loss causes iron deficiency.
Sideroblastic anaemia is less common but can occur. Mild thrombocytopenia is
common and can exacerbate haemorrhage. Neutrophil dysfunction is common even
when the neutrophil count is normal, predisposing to bacterial infections (e.g.
pneumococcal pneumonia), which are more frequent and serious in alcoholics.
In pregnancy: Infants of alcoholic mothers may exhibit features of
intra-uterine growth retardation and mental deficiency, sometimes associated
with motor deficits and failure to thrive. There are characteristic facial
features which include microcephaly, micrognathia and a short upturned nose.
This so-called fetal alcohol syndrome is unlike that reported in severely undernourished
women. Some obstetricians now recommend total abstinence during pregnancy.
Medical uses of alcohol Alcohol
is used topically as an antiseptic. Systemic alcohol is used in poisoning by
methanol or ethylene glycol, since it competes with these for oxidation by
alcohol dehydrogenase, slowing the production of toxic metabolites (e.g.
formaldehyde, oxalic acid).
Management of alcohol withdrawal
syndrome develops when alcohol consumption is stopped or severely reduced after
prolonged heavy alcohol intake. Several features of acute withdrawal are due to
autonomic over activity, including hypertension, sweating, tachycardia, tremor,
anxiety, agitation, mydriasis, anorexia and insomnia. These are most severe
12–48 hours after stopping drinking, and they then subside over one to two
weeks. Some patients have seizures (‘rum fits’ generally 12–48 hours post
abstinence). A third set of symptoms consists of alcohol withdrawal delirium or
‘delirium tremens’ (acute disorientation, severe autonomic hyperactivity, and
hallucinations – which are usually visual). Delirium tremens often follows
after withdrawal seizures and is a medical emergency. If untreated, death may
occur as a result of respiratory or cardiovascular collapse. Management
includes thiamine and other vitamin replacement, and a long-acting oral
benzodiazepines (e.g. chlordiazepoxide or diazepam), given by mouth if
possible. The initial dose requirement is determined empirically and is
followed by a regimen of step-wise dose reduction over the next two to three
days. The patient should be nursed in a quiet environment with careful
attention to fluid and electrolyte balance. Benzodiazepines (intravenous if
necessary, are usually effective in terminating prolonged withdrawal seizures –
if they are ineffective the diagnosis should be reconsidered (e.g. is there
evidence of intracranial haemorrhage or infection). Psychiatric assessment and
social support are indicated once the withdrawal syndrome has receded.
Long-term management of the
alcoholic Psychological and social management: Some form of psychological and
social management is important to help the patient to remain abstinent.
Whatever approach is used, the focus has to be on abstinence from alcohol.
Avery small minority of patients may be able to take up controlled drinking
subsequently, but it is impossible to identify this group prospectively, and
this should not be a goal of treatment. Voluntary agencies such as Alcoholics
Anonymous are useful resources and patients should be encouraged to attend them.
Alcohol-sensitizing drugs: These produce an unpleasant reaction when taken with
alcohol. The only drug of this type used to treat alcoholics is disulfiram,
which inhibits aldehyde dehydrogenase, leading to acetaldehyde accumulation if
alcohol is taken, causing flushing, sweating, nausea, headache, tachycardia and
hypotension. Cardiac dysrhythmias may occur if large amounts of alcohol are
consumed. The small amounts of alcohol included in many medicines may be
sufficient to produce a reaction and it is advisable for the patient to carry a
card warning of the danger of alcohol administration. Disulfiram also inhibits
phenytoin metabolism and can lead to phenytoin intoxication. Unfortunately,
there is only weak evidence that disulfiram has any benefit in the treatment of
alcoholism. Its use should be limited to highly selected individuals in
specialist clinics. Acamprosate: The structure of acamprosate resembles that of
GABA and glutamate. It appears to reduce the effects of excitatory amino acids
and, combined with counselling, it may help to maintain abstinence after
alcohol withdrawal.
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