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Health Benefits with Onion

  • Onion is one of the oldest herb  cultivated in many parts of India. it was a popular food in ancient Egypt   ( 3200 B.C) The Sanskrit name of Onion is "Palandu" and mentioned in "Garuda Purana". The use of onion is greatly described by great Indian saints (Maharishi Attreya and Lord Dhanwantri).
  • Onion is Greatly use as herbal remedy from time immemorial.
  • Onion is rich in Protein content and as well has Calcium and Riboflavin
  • Onion has carbohydrates in form of sugars and it has minerals and vitamins like Calcium, phosphorous, iron, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C. Its calorific value is 51.
  • Onion also contains essential oils and organic sulphides.
  • Onions have a great value in therapy.It acts as stimulant and mild counter-irritant.It also has diuretic property and promotes the removal of phelgm from bronchial tissues.
  • Onion has been used in treatment of various diseases like:
  1. Tuberculosis
  2. Anemia
  3. Respiratory Disorders
  4. Heart Attacks
  5. Cholera
  6. Urinary Disorders
  7. Piles
  8. Dental Disorders.
  9. Skin Disorders.
  10. Ear Disorders.
  11. Aphrodisiac.
Question: When you are trying to cut onions, unknowingly get tears. Why this Happens and whats the chemistry behind this?  


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