Onion is one of the oldest herb cultivated in many parts of India. it was a popular food in ancient Egypt ( 3200 B.C) The Sanskrit name of Onion is "Palandu" and mentioned in "Garuda Purana" . The use of onion is greatly described by great Indian saints (Maharishi Attreya and Lord Dhanwantri). Onion is Greatly use as herbal remedy from time immemorial. Onion is rich in Protein content and as well has Calcium and Riboflavin Onion has carbohydrates in form of sugars and it has minerals and vitamins like Calcium, phosphorous, iron, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C. Its calorific value is 51. Onion also contains essential oils and organic sulphides. Onions have a great value in therapy.It acts as stimulant and mild counter-irritant.It also has diuretic property and promotes the removal of phelgm from bronchial tissues. Onion has been used in treatment of various diseases like: Tuberculosis Anemia Respiratory Disorders Hear
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